Database for Effective
Marketing & Sales

India's leading Database Provider

    Welcome to

    We at databasegram aim at enabling our clients to boost their markeitng processes with the help of our reliable data service.

    Reach The Perfect Audience

    We aim at choosing and targeting the right audience for your marketing, sales, and research efforts.

    Increase ROI

    In todays world, email and database are no doubt one of the effective way of marketing. Researches shows that email campaigns provide potential returns of 30:1.

    Utilization Of Time And Resources

    You just need to build your campaign using our email campaign builder and we are there to do the rest of the work.

    Trusted Clients
    45 +
    Case Studies
    Database categories
    15 +
    Successful Cases
    99. %

    Why Choose Our Database?

    Reach the perfect audience

    We aim at choosing and targeting the right audience for your marketing, sales, and research efforts.

    Efficient utilization of time and resources

    You just need to build your campaign using our Email Campaign Builder and we are there to do the rest of the work.

    Increasing the return-on-Investment ratio

    In this techno-savvy world, email and database are no doubt one of the easiest and the most

    Verifyed Data

    The motto of is to provide complete, reliable, accurate and relevant information.

    What client say

    How We Collect the data and Verify It?

    The motto of is to provide complete, reliable, accurate and relevant information. The information which is flexible, accessible, verifiable and above all secure in most cases. Our information gathering process is not just a single stepped procedure, but is a multi-stepped ,rigorous research based, organised technique.


    We collect and verify information from

    1. press -releases
    2. corporate websites
    3. annual reports
    4. user-generated feedback
    5. business filings
    6. archives
    7. directories and 500+ Sources

    And even after ,the log is prepared, the work is not finished. The post compiling work including regular

    1. checking
    2. verification and
    3. updation of the database, distinguishes

    Databasegram.Com From Other Names In The Field.

    Why Databasegram?

    Databasegram is a leading database provider in India bur provide the services in USA, Germany, Spain, UK, Dubai and other Countries. We have been helping many companies across the globe by providing reliable & Varified databases. We provide databases for categories such as students, HNI, companies, doctors, Corporate, online users and more. Our database includes both email and phone number according to the client’s requirement, therefore it can be used for marketing through multiple channels such as SMS, Email and Calling. Find the best categories we have

    1. HNI
    2. Doctors 
    3. Corporate
    4. Real estate 
    5. Travel agent 
    6. Car owners 
    7. Business owners
    8. CEO/CFO  
    9. USA business database
    10. Germany Corporate 
    11. Spain corporate 
    12. Who is domain database( Global)


    To verify the quality of our database we also allow our customers to get a sample of our database from whatever category they choose. To get the sample or to know more about our database service feel free to get in touch with us on +91 7840044420.